Sunday, August 8, 2010

I am having problems with my sound playback. Sounds are skipping and sound scratchy. Please help!?

I was using windows media player and had no problems. I was able to surf the net, run windows live messenger and listen to music all at the same time. now i can barely move the mouse with out it messing up. The sound problems started about a week or so after i had downloaded I-Tunes. I have since removed it. I have also upgraded to the newest version of WMP after going through a troubleshoot. This Hasnt helped. I have also tried adjusting hardware acceleration and sample rate conversion quality.

I thought it may have been a virus problem, my protection at the time was not very good, (old norton that always had problems). Norton was removed and i replaced it with AVG Free version and i used Windows defender for spyware. I did buy Defender Pro and have switched to it but i am unsure if i just should have just stuck with AVG. So far i seem to be free and clear. I am now wondering if ultimately its a RAM issue. I have 512Mb, Dell, celeron 2.66Ghz. SoundMax Digital Audio.

I am having problems with my sound playback. Sounds are skipping and sound scratchy. Please help!?free spyware remobal

Well, it could be RAM or old hardware, but I doubt it. Sound uses very little resources. And if it worked once with what you have, then it should work again.

My guess is......

1) A software issue. In which case, the best thing to do, and I know your going to hate me for saying it, but you should wipe your hard drive and re-install Windows. That will fix a ton of problems.

2) A hardware issue. But you won't know for sure unless you do step 1 and the problem continues.

The other thing you can do is check all you wires and make sure they are plugged in securely. But they probably are.

Save you important files to a CD or external HD the re-install windows. Your computer will love you for it. :-)

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