i have a desktop with a 2ghz intel celeron processor coupled with a 256mb ram and 40 gig hard drive. the hard drive only contains docs and is around 50% free of data. i scan for spyware and viruses daily . once a week i would defrag. inspite of these, my day is never complete without my pc ''hanging'' at least twice a day.
How do i prevent my computer from hanging all the time?computers
Your over doing things, Defrag twice a year and do your virus and spy scans weekly. You're a little low on memory I feel much more comfortable with 512MB minimum. It might be that you have a number of applications running in the system tray and these are eating into your RAM which makes the machine go slow, even very slow and it's not so much hanging as slowing to a crawl and it feels like it's hung. Does the cursor stop moving? This is the sign of a true hang. Have a look at your Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del) and look at performance you want to get your PF under 250Mb if you can. Looking here when it hangs can give you clues and allow you to close applications that are not responding. Patience is deinitely required to sort this out.
How do i prevent my computer from hanging all the time?hijack this
A very recommended solution is to triple your ram (at least). And you will notice a great improvement. However, the speed of your hard drive and the amount of cache memory that the processor has are also major factors in slowing down your machine.
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