Do you want any site where there are writen and can be learned for free lessons on how to create spyware and things of this kind?
Please,help me if you want to make someone's day a happy one......?bmw
Please,help me if you want to make someone's day a happy one......?free adware remover
According to me, Spyware is ILLEGAL...
Spywear is EVIL...
but I guess if you're hardheaded...
There is always all those cracker sites you can go to, some of them are under the name of ''Hackers'' or you could just search for ''warez'' sites...
There sould be ''how to's'' in the want to learn how to hack sites (which is really cracking), and most of them are FREE but with a price, they'll put viruses and spywear on your system since you downloaded their stuff, so there is a price to pay in the end... of course that's what your in for.
I think that I know where.But I don't know the site.Go on yahoo and search for great free lessons for everybody who needs anything.Maybe I helped I don't know!
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